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Dendrobium candidum from Mount Tianzhu is a valuable Chinese medicinal material for nourishing Yin. It is often grown in Huoshan County, Anhui Province. It is a rare medicinal material for health care and treatment of diseases. Dendrobium candidum from Mount Tianzhu candidum does not have a prominent appearance, however, its health benefits are more than you think. Let's take a look at the medicinal value and efficacy of dendrobium candidum in Mount Tianzhu. At present, pharmacological studies have also concluded that dendrobium huoshanense can improve the ability of stress, with a better relief of fatigue, anti-hypoxia effect. DENDROBIUM candidum has potent antitumor activity against some cells of malignant tumors such as lung cancer, ovarian cancer and Promyelocyte leukemia. Analysis of current pharmacological studies has confirmed that Dendrobium nobile has a significant effect on three high, prevention and treatment of senile cataract and protection of Children's vision. The functions and functions of Dendrobium Officinale, the functions of Dendrobium huoshanense and the suitable people to eat dendrobium officinale are rich in polysaccharides and have the function of enhancing immune function. According to the Qing Dynasty "on medicinal properties" , dendrobium officinale can nourish the kidney and accumulate essence, therefore, it also has the function of nourishing Yin and blood. Clinical studies show that dendrobium officinale can not only enhance the insulin activity, but also restore the Blood Glucose and reduce the blood glucose level. Since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, in the "Bencao Gangmu" , "Shennong Ben Cao Jing" and other works have documented the dendrobium with nourishing Yin and clearing away heat, nourishing the stomach and promoting the body, the efficacy and role. Function and function of genuine dendrobium huoshanense-dendrobium huoshanense in Anhui Province. To enhance the immune function, dendrobium candidum of Mount Tianzhu has the function of nourishing Qi and Yin. Rich in polysaccharide substances, with the efficacy of enhancing the immune function. At present, pharmacological studies have also concluded that dendrobium huoshanense can improve the ability of stress, with a better relief of fatigue, anti-hypoxia effect. 2. Promote Digestion Huoshan dendrobium officinale is a medicine for benefiting stomach and promoting body fluid production. It is the medicine that treats epigastralgia, epigastric distention commonly used. Modern medical experiments have proved that dendrobium huoshanense has a good inhibitory effect on the common pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter pylori in spleen and stomach diseases, it is helpful to treat Atrophic gastritis, superficial gastritis, peptic ulcer and other Helicobacter pylori positive symptoms. Meanwhile, oral dendrobium officinale decoction can promote the secretion of gastric juice, enhance the emptying capacity of the stomach and help digestion. 3. Hugan Lidan Huoshan dendrobium officinale has good cholagogic effect. It is believed that dendrobium candidum from Mount Tianzhu has nourishing liver-yin and is an important medicine for treating various hepatobiliary diseases, such as hepatitis, cholecystitis, gallstones and so on. 4. WHEN ANTI-RHEUMATISM PEOPLE ENTER Middle Age, yin-jin begins to weaken and the effect of muscle and bone gradually declines. Dendrobium officinale in Mount Tianzhu can nourish Yin Fluid and lubricate joints, thus strengthening muscle and bone, making joints more fluent and strengthening the effect of anti-rheumatism. 5. Lowering Blood Glucose and Lipid Huoshan dendrobium officinale function of nourishing Yin, clearing heat Runzao, since ancient times has been the treatment of diabetes drugs. Clinical studies have concluded that dendrobium candidum from Mount Tianzhu can not only enhance insulin activity, but also significantly lower blood glucose levels and normalize blood flow; promote circulation, dilate blood vessels, and lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride. 6. Anti-tumor effect of Dendrobium candidum Lindl. On some cells of malignant tumors such as lung cancer, ovarian cancer and Promyelocyte leukemia. It has strong anti-tumor activity. It can improve the symptom of cancer patients, reduce the side effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, enhance the immunity, improve the quality of life and prolong the survival time. Kill. Protection of vision dendrobium with nourishing the purpose of Yin, has been used by generations of doctors as a good eye care products. Analysis of current pharmacological studies confirmed: Dendrobium on the prevention and treatment of senile cataracts and the protection of Children's vision has a significant effect. 8. Nourish the skin after the human body into Middle Age, due to the body's Yin fluid is increasingly reduced, thus accelerating the aging of the skin, making it black or wrinkle. Dendrobium candidum in Mount Tianzhu is rich in Mucilage, which has nourishing and nourishing effects on human skin. 9. The anti-aging Shennong Ben Cao Jing lists dendrobium candidum from Mount Tianzhu as a sacred medicine with the function of "lightening the body and prolonging the years" . Analysis of current pharmacological studies has confirmed that dendrobium huoshanense is rich in a variety of micronutrient, which is closely related to the health and longevity of the human body, and has a broader and more comprehensive anti-aging effect than ordinary drugs.


